Benefits* (Effective 7/1/2024)
The information below is a brief summary of benefits and does not contain all details concerning benefits or eligibility. Please use the following link to access information about the terms, conditions and benefits of employment:
Coverage is provided through the The WiNC (Wisconsin Northern & Central) GME Consortium for a monthly fee. These include:
- Dental Plans
- Health and Prescription Plans
- Life and Accidental Death
- Short Term Disability
- Long Term Disability
Please use the following link to access information regarding benefits:
Time away
Time Away (Vacation, personal, business, and sick leave)
Paid time away provided should not conflict with the residents duties and must be approved by the Program Director. Paid time away is not cumulative from year to year. The American Board of Family Medicine (ABFM) limits resident time away.
Residents are allowed annual paid time away in the amount of:
- 4 weeks per year (20 days)
Residents are considered to be available to be scheduled 365 days a year and may be scheduled to work on a Holiday. Due to variations in clinical rotations, Holiday scheduling policies should be discussed with the Program Director.
Professional Development Leave (CME)
Residents are allowed up to one week of professional development leave, without interruption of pay or benefits, contingent upon the approval by the Program Director. Educational leave time is not cumulative from year to year.
Leave of Absences Family and medical leave is provided in accordance with the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and the Wisconsin Family and Medical Leave Act (WFMLA). The FMLA\WFMLA leave policy is outlined in detail in the Resident Handbook.
Additional leave of absence and related policies can be found in the Resident Handbook, including other leave of absence options when a resident does not qualify for a FMLA or WFMLA leave of absence.
Additional benefits
Resident Stipend
WiNC establishes annual stipends for residents.
The salary rate for AY2024-2025 is as follows:
PGY 1- $67,040
PGY 2- $69,257
PGY 3- $71,422
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Fox Valley Family Medicine Residency is aware of the multiple demands of residency training. EPA has been designed to assist residents in obtaining the highest quality of mental health care in a confidential manner.
Worker’s Compensation Insurance
Residents are covered by Worker’s Compensation insurance in case of work-related injury or illness.
Professional Memberships
Residents have membership in the AMA (American Medical Association) and WMS (Wisconsin Medical Society)
The program also provides memberships to the AAFP (American Academy of Family Physicians) and the WAFP (Wisconsin Academy of Family Physicians)
Membership is provided for the AOA (American Osteopathic Association), ACOFP (American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians) and WAOPS (Wisconsin Academy of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons) for osteopathic residents.
Additional Program Benefits
Additional local program benefits may be offered within the program. Check with the program director or education coordinator for more information.
Career Assistance for Spouses/Significant Others: There may be assistance with career/job search assistance through a network of community contacts and Residency board members.
Annual resident retreat: A weekend get-away to encourage relaxation, recreation and personal growth for residents and their families. Faculty assumes call coverage and the Residency Program covers most expenses from the retreat budget. Subject to social distancing restrictions.
Special Events: Annual Event (no cost to resident and family members), Summer Picnic, and Graduation Dinner (no cost to resident).
White coats: 2 per incoming resident and 1 at the beginning of second year if requested.
Hospital meals: are provided at no cost to residents while on inpatient rotations or working within the hospital campus.
Post-Residency Job Placement Assistance: The UW Office of Rural Health provides residents with profiles of Wisconsin communities with practice opportunities for family physicians, and can also help you prepare for interviews.
Moonlighting: Moonlighting opportunities are available and resident participation is subject to prior approval by the program director and DIO.
Continuing education funds (CME funds): Residents will receive $1000 in reimbursement money per academic year to support attendance at program approved CME courses. With prior program approval these funds may also be used to support elective away rotations, the purchase of a portable electronic device such as an iPad or iPhone, and other required residency program costs such as attendance at the AOA National Convention (an additional $500 one time reimbursement is available to osteopathic residents to attend this required meeting). See program director or education coordinator for more details as certain restrictions apply. CME funds may carry over from one year to the next until graduation.
Board exam fees: Examination fees for the ABFM (American Board of Family Medicine) or AOA specialty examinations may be reimbursed upon presentation of score reports. See program for details as benefit is subject to change annually.
Life Support Courses: The program pays for residents maintain recertification during residency for the following courses:
- NRP (Neonatal Resuscitation Program)
- ALSO (Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics)
*Benefits are subject to change at anytime.