Full-Scope Curriculum

Our curriculum trains residents in the full depth and breadth of family medicine, offering the greatest career flexibility after residency. We believe that your training should be academically rigorous – as you only have three years to learn everything you need to know to practice independently – yet friendly. Three years is a long time if you do not feel supported and valued. Our curriculum has been designed to bring out the best in you as a physician while tailoring the residency experience to meet your needs and interests.

“Great patient volume and variety.”
“High quality conferences.”
“Beautiful and comfortable new facility.”
“No competing residencies.”
“Humane and balanced schedule.”
“Community faculty are great! Supportive, respectful, collegial.”

  • 2 months in the first year and 4 months in the second year working with obstetrics and pediatrics; half of the second year experience includes supervising interns and running the OB floor 
  • Work in a high-volume labor and delivery unit (125-150 deliveries per resident) 
  • Learn pre-term labor management, labor induction and augmentation, diagnosis and management of third trimester emergencies and complications, and cesarean section assistance 
  • Night float system in place 
  • NICU on site

  • 4 months in the first year and 2 months in supervisory role in the second year 
  • Work as a team with hospitalists and community faculty for a broad and diverse experience 
  • Work in the Collaborative Care model, which is a multidisciplinary team-based rounding system with a nurse, pharmacist, care manager and physicians 
  • Additional continuity experience with resident’s own patients and Mosaic Family Health patients throughout the 3 year experience 
  • Third year residents manage their own Mosaic Family Health patients and those patients whose PCP is unavailable with one-on-one supervision of program faculty, providing a longitudinal inpatient medicine experience. This will also help you transition from in-house hospital care to caring for hospitalized patients like full scope Family Physicians in the community by daily rounding and phone management when appropriate. This can be a difficult transition and one we feel is best accomplished while in residency.
  • A well-developed, integrated office and hospital curriculum with enthusiastic role model faculty 
  • Clinic population includes a diverse mix of healthy elderly and those with chronic disease 
  • The long-term care geriatrics rotation occurs in a state-of-the-art nursing home where residents gain skills in geriatric and internal medicine, palliative care, and rehabilitative care 
  • State-of-the-art outpatient care including prevention, management of chronic illnesses, and skillful response to acute illness with the goal to minimize hospitalization 
  • Inpatient service includes care of hospitalized infants and children combined with work in a busy on-call pediatrician’s office addressing urgent and pre-hospitalization care 
  • The care of infants and newborns experience includes working in the newborn nursery, as well as the NICU at Ascension St. Elizabeth Hospital. Residents participate in neonatal resuscitations with a team of NICU nurses and attendings. 
  • Participate in a high-volume circumcision experience 
  • Work with outstanding, collegial pediatrician role models and Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin pediatric specialists 
  • Elective experience is available at the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Fox Valley or Milwaukee and numerous clinical experiences in the Fox Valley area.

  • Interwoven into a rotational and longitudinal curriculum, which enhance and integrate learning 
  • School system involvement includes teaching sex-education classes and running smoking-cessation courses 
  • Opportunities to counsel patients and use critical community resources such as AIDS resource centers, sexual assault crisis centers, domestic violence emergency centers, and rehabilitation programs 
  • Behavioral medicine experiences include counseling techniques, substance and alcohol abuse resources 
  • Senior residents work closely with program faculty to develop, implement and evaluate a clinical quality improvement (QI) curriculum and project 
  • Learn how to run a practice through experience in our teaching health center, community physicians’ practices, and didactics/workshops that run throughout the three year curriculum

  • Learn diagnosis, management and referral patterns for common conditions on rotations with dedicated community attendings from Surgery, Gynecology, Musculoskeletal Medicine, Cardiology, Dermatology, ENT, Urology and Ophthalmology. 
  • Enhance knowledge and comfort in caring for hospitalized patients with a one month immersive experience in Critical Care Medicine, with ample direct patient care, transfer evaluations, admissions and opportunities for procedures. 
  • Gain a foundation in managing unstable and undifferentiated patients in 2 months of Emergency Medicine training. Recognition of patients that require admission and advanced medical care is an essential skill all Primary Care Physicians need. These rotations are rich in clinical experience and opportunities for autonomy and independent decision making while still being supervised.
  • Bookend residency experience with clinical Family Medicine. First year residents spend a month on our Mosaic Family Health rotation seeing patients in their own continuity practice, gaining confidence in their abilities, becoming more comfortable as a Family Physician and learning about critical community resources and how to mobilize these resources for their patients.
  • Third year residents spend a month with a community Family Physician in their office. While continuing to see their own patients at Mosaic Family Health, the majority of time is spent in a private practice office, seeing patients, evaluating their model of care, getting ideas for their own practice, including refining their approach to patients and working on clinical efficiency. 
  • Rural health opportunities include working with family physicians, surgeons, gynecologists and ER attendings in a variety of smaller communities less than 60 minutes from our clinic.
  • Rural Continuity Practice Opportunities are available in second and third year.

  • Weekly outpatient procedure clinic focusing on common outpatient procedures 
  • Procedural experience within continuity clinics 
    • Female patients: colposcopy, IUD placement, endometrial biopsies, endocervical curettage 
    • Skin: biopsies (punch, excisional, shave), cryotherapy, lipoma and sebaceous cyst removal 
    • Musculoskeletal: Casting, splinting, joint aspiration and injection and Osteopathic Manipulation Therapy 
    • Male patients: circumcision and vasectomy 
  • Numerous hands on procedure workshops throughout the year 
  • Opportunity for 1 or 2 residents per year to learn colonoscopies with sufficient volume to be credentialed by hospital systems
  • High graduate satisfaction with skills in variety of inpatient and outpatient procedures 
  • Some of the highest volume of procedures of any Family Medicine residency in the state of Wisconsin

  • Continuity experience in allopathic and osteopathic medicine with our ACGME Ostepathic Recognized Program.
  • Osteopathic Manipulation treatment room and regularly scheduled OMM referral clinics 
  • Osteopathic manipulation throughout the 3 year curriculum at Mosaic Family Health with the resident’s panel of patients. 
  • Statewide osteopathic conferences focusing on OMT techniques and skills

As a resident in our program you will move from a very well supervised setting in the early part of your first year of residency to progressively greater autonomy and higher levels of responsibility.

The first 2 years of our residency have traditional in-house call where you will grow in your knowledge and decision making abilities while being able to lay eyes on sick patients and receive help on-site from community attendings, hospitalists and program faculty.

Your third year of residency has been intentionally designed to mimic a group practice with your colleagues. You will help us care for our Mosaic Family Health patients by taking call from home that closely resembles real life full-scope call. You will field phone calls from patients calling our clinic answering service for advice, evaluate and admit medicine, pediatric and obstetric patients after hours and manage hospitalized patients from locations outside of the hospital with back-up from our faculty.


This is a big transition that most traditional residencies have their graduates learn after residency is completed. We feel that this is ideally learned while you are a resident with supervision and help available. This will also emphasize that full-scope practice provides immense satisfaction, can be done and is very manageable.

  • Adequate preparation for the practice of family medicine requires periods of rigorous work in the hospital and clinic. Staying emotionally healthy, however, requires a balance between work and play, and a support system to help maintain a positive outlook. 
  • A balanced and fair call schedule is essential to resident well-being, as are the following services and functions: 
  • Program orientation: Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics (ALSO) training, introduction to the clinic and program, and social events. Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) is also later in the first year. 
  • Annual weekend retreat: An off-site weekend, planned by residents, to encourage relaxation, recreation, and personal growth for residents and their families/significant others. Faculty physicians assume call responsibilities and release residents from other duties. 
  • Balint group: A regularly scheduled gathering of resident and faculty physicians, facilitated by program psychologist, featuring discussions of challenging medical and life situations. 
  • Resident forum: Recurring chief resident-led opportunities for residents to discuss issues without faculty, thereby encouraging private open dialogue and problem-solving. 
  • Wednesday afternoon conferences. Lectures and seminars covering the gamut of medical, behavioral, practice management, procedural, and other curriculum categories. 
  • Advisor-advisee and class meetings. 

The Fox Valley Residency Program coordinates and hosts a weekly didactic conferences series for residents, scheduled each Wednesday afternoon. Wednesday conference begins at 12:30 PM. All residents attend with the exception of those covering hospital services or having excused absences. Conference schedules are determined by a team of residents and faculty to tailor the topics to those needed and desired by our resident physicians.

A variety of sessions are scheduled each Wednesday afternoon, including core medicine topics, humanities, ethics, practice management, forum/rap, grand rounds, journal club, Balint group, pharmacy rounds, and ortho rounds among others.

Senior residents present 3-4 times per year including: Grand Rounds, their own scholarly and quality improvement projects and a series of core clinical topics for new residents in July and August.